Dan/W4NTI w4nti@mindspring.com
Sun, 14 Jul 2002 10:01:18 -0500

With a K12 and a R1 I found it very tough getting across the Polar =
paths.  I was hearing them, but was not able to get across.  Then =
suddenly about dusk time it all changed.  In anycase I think my loops =
are stomping well.  I was especialy surprised by the 40 meter =
performance,  since I put it up this spring and hadn't really tried it =
out much.

Results;  158880  Single Op/ High / all band
Band        QSO        Mults

40            109            33
20            223            53
15            73              28
10            81               6

Worked a bunch of the OJ boys.  And they were ALL weak.  But persistant. =
 Great ops,  you can tell they are the big boys.

I used a new program,  by N3FJP, really enjoyed it.


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