[SECC] Re: New member -- K4SX, Ron Lowrance of Cumming, GA

Bill Coleman aa4lr@arrl.net
Sat, 1 Jun 2002 23:26:28 -0400

On 6/1/02 7:50 AM, Ron Lowrance at k4sx@akorn.net wrote:

>Bill my call sign is K4SX.

Man, I was I fumble-fingered this morning. 

Ron, I have you call correct in the membership database. I just typed it 
wrong in the title of the message. It's corrected now.

Folks, Ron is K4SX. (and I know I'm never gonna hear the end of this....)

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr@arrl.net
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901