[SECC] Re: NAQP plaques

K9AY K9AY" <k9ay@k9ay.com
Sun, 26 May 2002 23:50:08 -0400

> Hi Gary,
> We're trying to update the plaque sponsorship for the NCJ NAQPs, and the 
> SECC is listed as sponsoring the SSB Single Op North America plaque. 
>  That would be two plaques per year.
> Does the SECC still want to sponsor these plaques?  We've been negligent 
> in following up with plaques in the past, but we intend to honor our 
> published awards starting with the Jan 2002 NAQPs (results due shortly).
> Carl K9LA

SECC members:

Since the SECC has no treasury, someone was sponsoring these plaques in
our name. That generous individual may wish to continue, or someone else
may want to step up...

Let me and Carl know.

73, Gary