[SECC] FYI tower/big grip supplier

AB4RU@aol.com AB4RU@aol.com
Sun, 29 Sep 2002 10:12:05 EDT

In a message dated 9/28/02 8:52:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
jnyeager@southern.edu writes:

> http://www.towerconnections.com/specialvalueproducts.htm
> Just recieved an order from these guys.  Quick service
> and great pricing.
> 73 Jeff K4JNY

Jeff and Gang,

Someone told me a couple of years back, there was a place in NE Atlanta that 
sold tower hardware at a good price. Does anyone know who that is? I need 
some grips and guywire and was trying to avoid the shipping cost.


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