[SECC] Re:C&bls

K4SB k4sb at earthlink.net
Thu Dec 11 16:08:43 EST 2003

In my original proposal, I completely forgot a time to end the

Would 1 week from today be acceptable to all?

So far, on the reflector only postings, we have unanimous consent.

John, K4BAI sent me his vote this morning, ( and he is NOT counted in
the above tally.

He didn't mention anything about any votes sent directly to him, so I
assume all may have been sent to the reflector.

Please send in your vote.

On another subject, Gordon Macie has been doing a terrific job
determining who is/not still active. For example N4UK and K4PK have
moved to VA. So they may be safely removed as affecting the circle.
Note this does NOT suggest removing them from member status.


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