[SECC] Informal SECC Meetings

Michael Condon mike40@attglobal.net
Wed, 8 Jan 2003 08:21:04 -0800 (PST)

I like it, just put up a note here to get it going.
Mike, NE4S

 Jeff Clarke <ku8e@bellsouth.net> wrote:Hi Everyone,

I wonder if there would be an interest in having some informal SECC meetings, maybe
once a month ??? This past Saturday - K4OGG,W4ATL and myself had lunch at Pandera
Bread in Dunwoody. We had done this one time in the past when I lived in Ohio and was
down here for a
visit. I think 5 or 6 guys were there that time. It's always been a fun time we have
gotten together.

Since there are no longer ARRL meeting requirements , none of these get togethers
would be mandatory as far as belonging to the SECC. They are just for fun to give
people a chance to put a face to a callsign and talk contesting in person. It's
interesting that I have now lived in GA for 8 months now but have met very few SECC
members. I would think this would be a great opportunity for those of you that are
looking to staff your multi-op contest operations to find some operators. The
internet reflector is nice but it can't beat sitting down and talking to someone in

I haven't down a breakdown of the roster but my guess is the largest cluster of our
membership is probably around the Atlanta metro area so this would probably be the
most logical place to hold these get togethers but if anyone has any other
suggestions that would be great too....We could even maybe find a central location
and invite our TCG or ALA Contest Club friends too ???

Any comments or suggestions would be welcomed...

Jeff KU8E

Jeffrey D. Clarke 770-218-0278 email : ku8e@bellsouth.net

SECC mailing list

Remember to change my Email to:

Mike Condon

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