[SECC] New Club Call

K4SB k4sb at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 8 17:13:28 EDT 2003

I am extremely pleased to announce that the South East Contest Club
has a new vanity call, NR4X. I remain the trustee, but expect to hand
this off to Jeff in a matter of weeks. ( want to get someone not so
long in the tooth ) Maybe we should demand he get a 4 land call! ):>

Couple of points to mention. First of all, this is one hell of a CW
call. It's snappy, and even on SSB, the phonetics are pretty good.

Should make a great call for one of our multi groups in the WPX.
Should also be a great asset for the GQP. For those of you ( me
included ) not intimately familiar with a popular offset of county
hunting call BINGO, this is how it works. After you've worked all the
counties and gotten your USCHA award, many guys start over, but now
the object is to work all the counties again for the BINGO award. But,
this award requires working 
a station which has the first letter of the suffix of the call as the
same as the county name. IE, If W0ABC worked K4SB in either Spaulding
or Baker counties, my card would count for bingo. Now the hitch!! IF a
call ends with a X, it's a wild card, and counts for BINGO in ANY
county. So our rovers should have a bang up time with this one,
especially if we advertise it in advance. This will bring out the
BINGO hunters in droves!

At the last Club meeting, we generally agreed on some rules.

1. Permission to use the call must be obtained from the Trustee of
course. AND, the trustee MUST reside within the operating boundary's
of the SECC. ( the 75 mile circle )
If the trustee moves out of this location, the trustee shall be
changed to someone inside the circle. And remember, you can be the
trustee with ANY class of license except Novice. (not even sure if
Novice is excluded) You do NOT have to be an Extra license holder,
even though this is a vaniity call. The SECC is the owner, not any one

2. No operator or operators may use the call for the same contest in
the same calendar year. (ie) if you OR a group use it for CQWPX CW,
neither you nor ANY member of the group may use the call in the CQWPX
SSB, UNLESS no one else requests permission to use the call. And NO,
you can't just change one op. The rule here gives priority more to the
STATION you use. So if a bunch of you hooligans use Bill's station for
a location, you
can't use the call at any other multi op big gun location later in the
3. If you or a group use the call for say, the CQWPX CW 2003, and then
request it again for the WPX CW 2004, your priority will be BELOW that
of any other person or group requesting the call.

4. If you're confused, just imagine how I feel. I'm sure we will need
to update these rules or change them as the CLUB!!!! desires.

5. You may apply for use of the call 30 days before the start of any
contest. In non contest periods, just send me an email and you can use
it. PLEASE remember that while you may use the call, you MUST operate
it within the limits of your own license unless of course, an higher (
than you ) licence holder is present, or a member of the group has
Extra Class privileges.

I hope you're all pleased. BUT, if a majority want to look for another
call, I'll do the fancy footwork and get us another one.

4. Multi ops generally receive priority over single ops, BUT, the
provisions of Rule 2 apply. I'm sure we made need to redifine this so
an individual can use the call.


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