[SECC] PZ Dxpedition

Allan & Bridget dxcc at dbtech.net
Fri Jul 11 23:45:52 EDT 2003

Well, I have to admit, if I had the money to send, I'd probably be more apt
to put it more toward W4AN's ham pages or K4UEE's expeditions, but "rare"
*is* in the eyes of the beholder...I'm waiting on a card from Ramon and a
card from 3A2K to put me on Honor Roll...

And Ed, speaking of ambiguous, were you asking if the wives were the
equipment to be left behind or was that a completely separate question?  My
special flame gif email is poised, awaiting your answer.  ;-)

Hope you guys have fun in the IARU this weekend...this will be the first
time I haven't done this contest since having an HF license, but will try to
listen for you guys (I know John loves trying to pull me out of the mud for
that rare zone 8 multiplier) while I search and pounce for 3A's and PZs.
Allan will be at a friend's wedding or he'd be at the 15m superstation at
KF4DGS's (Chris, if you're reading this, you'd be more than welcome to
operate there when Allan is in town if you don't mind single
band...especially on CW weekends since Stan doesn't do Morse Code...get in
touch with us).   =)

I hope that I'll soon be able to be more active on the air again...am
finally going to the Mayo Clinic this week to see if they can figure what's
been dragging me down, so maybe you guys can quit listening to me whine
about not being able to do much during a contest.

Have a great weekend es hope to hear you on the air!
Bridget, KS4YT

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