AE4Y ae4y at mindspring.com
Sat Jan 10 23:11:21 EST 2004

That was just about the most fun I've had contesting in quite a while.

Right now I'm too tired to try to figure out which SECCers I worked, but I
know it was a fairly good list.  I was having more success working Georgia
on 15 and 10 meters than 80 and 40 early on, but finally about 0230Z, I
managed to work a few of you on 80.

Thanks for the Q's.

Here's the results of my effort for SECC Team #2:

      Band  Contacts      Mult     Score
      ----  --------     -----     -----
       3.5       152        41      6232
         7       101        34      3434
        14       124        44      5456
        21        87        29      2523
        28        51        18       918
     Total       515       166     85490

      Operating time:  10 hours

Kent, AE4Y

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