Matt Lee, WB6BWZ Matt at Tenn-Valley.com
Sun Mar 28 22:50:02 EST 2004

                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB

Call: WB6BWZ
Operator(s): WB6BWZ
Station: WB6BWZ

QTH: Atlanta, GA
Operating Time (hrs): 17.1 (Single Op: 36 max of 48;
                            60 minutes minimum off time)


 Band  QSOs
  160:   --
   80:   13
   40:   28
   20:   80
   15:   76
   10:   17
Total:  214  Prefixes = 141  Total Score = 49,914

Club: South East Contest Club



My second CQ WPX SSB contest:

         Score      QSO     Pts    Prefix  WAC   DXCC    Time
2004     49,914     214     354     141     6     33     17.1
2003    107,694     352     579     186     6     35     27.3

2004     QSO     Pts     Pref
160M      --      --      --
 80M      13      13       8
 40M      28      31      19
 20M      80     126      54
 15M      76     152      50
 10M      17      32      10
Total    214     354     141

2003     QSO     Pts     Pref
160M      --      --      --
 80M      32      35      21
 40M      26      32       9
 20M     117     167      64
 15M      90     165      43
 10M      87     180      49
Total    352     579     186

Best DX

1. 3B9C:  20M SSB, Rodriguez Island, 10,267* mi (2053 mi/watt)
          DXpedition: http://www.fsdxa.com/3b9c/ (271141z)

2. VK3TZ: 20M SSB, near Melbourne, 9,762* mi (1952 mi/watt)

Thanks to JG3GCN for being my only Asiatic continent QSO. 
There would be no WAC sweep for me without this QSO.
(20M SSB, 6828* mi, 280734z)

DXCC worked

3B9  6Y   9Y   CM   CT     CT3  CX   EA   FG   FM
FY   HI   HK   HP   JA     K    KG4  KH6  KP2  KP4
LU   P4   PJ2  PY   TI     VE   VK   VP5  XE   YN
YV   ZF   ZL

Nice to have 20M open "around the clock!"

Worked NQ4I on 80M, 40M and 15M. Called NQ4I on 160M and 20M with no
recognition. NQ4I not heard on 10M.


Having 3B9C answer me on my first call! Had no problem with our
exchanges. QSO confirmed the same day in 3B9C's online log!

Yaesu FT-897 transceiver operated at 5 watts into a 5-MHz OCF 28-gauge
insulated wire stealth antenna up 40 feet in trees next to I-75 in
downtown Atlanta industrial area. SGC SG-237 Smartuner. Heil Pro-Set
Plus! WriteLog 10.46g.

*per WriteLog's direction/distance database

Matt Lee, WB6BWZ
Atlanta, Georgia USA
<wb6bwz at arrl.net> 

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