Matt Lee, K4AQ Matt at HiWAAY.net
Mon Feb 21 11:48:18 EST 2005

                    ARRL DX Contest, CW

Call: K4AQ
Operator(s): K4AQ
Station: K4AQ

QTH: Atlanta, GA
Operating Time (hrs): 18.4 (48 max)

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   16    14
   40:   34    25
   20:   36    22
   15:   39    26
   10:   13     9
Total:  138    96  Total Score = 39,744

Club: South East Contest Club



My fourth ARRL DX CW contest:

         Score      QSO     Mult    Time     DX*   WAC
2005     39,744     138      96     18.4     42     5
2004     53,475     155     115     16.2     50     6
2003     98,100     218     150     20.8     59     6
2002     60,984     168     121     20.8     53     6
WB6BWZ (2002-2004)
*DXCC unique (incl KH6 & KL, excl K & VE)

Best 80m QRP DX: 200443z G0IVZ, England, 4178 mi
                 190755z CU2M, Azores, 3239 mi

WAC: 5/6 (Asia not heard)

Multiplier List

80 Meters
8P    9Y    C6    CU    G     HI    P4    PJ2   PJ7   V3
V4    VP5   VP9   ZF

40 Meters
8P    9Y    C6    CM    CU    FM    HA    HI    I     KH6
KP2   KP4   LZ    OK    OM    P4    PJ2   PY    S5    V2
V3    V4    VP9   XE    ZF    

20 Meters
8P    9Y    CU    FM    HI    J6    J8    KH6   KL    KP2
LU    P4    PJ2   PY    TI    V2    V3    V4    VP5   VP9
XE    ZF

15 Meters
9A    CM    CX    EA8   F     FM    HI    HK    HR    KH6
KP2   LU    P4    PJ2   PY    T9    TI    V2    V3    V4
VP5   VP9   XE    YN    YU    ZF    

10 Meters
9Y    KH6   KP2   LU    P4    PJ2   TI    V4    XE



The frosting on the cake was working CU2M (Azores, 3200+ mi) which was
topped off with a cherry from G0IVZ (England, 4178 mi). Thanks, guys!
(This is a big deal for my NVIS stealth antenna and QRP.)

Sunday morning I heard KL1V running QRPp (1 watt)! Too bad he was not
able to copy my 5-watt sig. (He was working stns in my area with no


Busting a KL7WV pile-up (Alaska), with special thanks to Op W3YQ for
MAKING the pile-up QRX (had to do it 3 times!) until we completed our

I found KL7FH 14 kHz higher 37 minutes later, also on 20m, with no
pile-up. I went back to KL7WV and he still had a pile-up. Go figure.


EA8ASJ, Canary Island, for my only Africa continent QSO. (202017z)

Great Ears!

KH7X, Hawaii, for hearing me consistently in his pile-ups on four bands

5-bander (80-10m)
PJ2T, PJ4R, V47Z

4-bander (80-10M)
9Y4W, HI3TEJ, KH7X, P49Y, V31DJ, V31TP, VP9/W6PH, WP2Z, ZF2TJ

Yaesu FT-897D transceiver operated at 5 watts into an OCF 28-gauge
insulated wire stealth antenna up 45 feet in trees next to I-75 in
downtown Atlanta industrial area. SGC SG-237 Smartuner. MicroHAM USB rig
interface. WriteLog 10.52f.

Matt Lee, K4AQ
Atlanta, GA USA
<K4AQ at arrl.net>

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