[SECC] This Weekend' Contests

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Wed Feb 23 17:12:58 EST 2005

1.  CQ 160 Meter SSB Contest.  00Z Sat to 24Z Sun.  Single Ops limited 
to 30 hours.  Exch:  RS + S/P/C.  Logs to our own K4JPD. 

2.  REF (French) SSB Contest.  06Z Sat - 18Z Sun.  80 - 10 M SSB. 
Single ops limited to 28 hours in maximum of three increments.  Exch: 
RS + Serial # or RS + French Dpt (two numbers) or French Possession 
Prefix.  Work only French or French possession stations. 
These rules are in French.  There is a summary in English available from 
the SM3CER contest calendar page.

3.  U.S. Virgin Islands QSO Party.  (In memory of Bob Denniston, 
W0DX/VP2VI.)  1201Z Sat 2359Z Sun.  CW, Ph, RTTY?Digital.  160 - 6 M. 
Exch:  RS(T) + Serial # + Name + SPC.  For Am VI stations:  RS9T) + name 
+ island + temp (F).  Work only USVI stations.  Logs go to John Ellis, 
NP2B, formerly of Atlanta.  CW:  50 khz up.  PH:  1890, 3890, 7290, 
14290, 21390, 28390, 50190.  Avoid net on 14300. 

4.  UBA (Belgium) DX Contest, CW.  13Z Sat - 13Z Sun.   80-10M CW. 
Exch:  RST + Serial # + ON Province.  Work everyone in the world. 

5.  Mississippi QSO Party.  15Z Sat to 03Z Sun.  CW/Digital, SSB.  80 - 
2 M.  Exch:  RS(T) + SPC or Miss. County.  CW:  up 45 khz.  SSB:  3862, 
7238, 14275, 21375, 28375.  http://www.arrlmiss.org/what_s_up.html.

6.  Czdbris QRP Contest (Sponsored by OK and G QRP Clubs).  16Z Sat to 
24Z Sun.  80 - 10 CW.  5 W output maximum.  3560, 7030, 14060, 21060. 
Exch:  RST + Power + name. 

7.  NAQP RTTY Contest.  18Z Sat 06Z Sun.  80 - 10 M RTTY.  Max 100 
watts.  Single op max:  10 hours.  Exch:  Name + SPC (including Hawaii) 
and Name only for DX stations outside North America and Hawaii. 

8.  HSC (High Speed Club) CW Contest.  09-11Z and 15-17Z Sun.  80-10M. 
Exch:  RST + HSC # or NM (for non-member).  Maximum power allowed:  150 
W (!).  http://www.qsl.net/dl0hsc/en/contests.html.

9.  North Carolina QSO Party.  17Z Sun - 03Z Mon.  CW/SSB.  80-10M. 
Exchange:  Only Call and QTH required (SPC or NC county).  All stations 
limited to 100 watts (!).  Bonus points for Cherokee and/or Dare 
Counties and for W4NC and/or W4WS.  CW:  up 40 khz.  SSB:  3860, 7260, 
14260, 21360, 28360.  County abbreviations and summary sheet may be 
downloaded from website.  http://www.w4nc.com/pages/6/index.htm.  I am 
subscribed to the NC QSO Party reflector and the is promised a lot of 
activity.  Unfortunately, the power limit is a self-imposed QSO limitation.

Hope everyone has a good weekend and makes a lot of points.  Please let 
me have your claimed scores by early Wednesday.


John, K4BAI.

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