James Nail james.nail at earthlink.net
Thu Nov 3 19:45:17 EST 2005

OK ladies and gentlemen,

I have an official challenge for all SECC'ers.  60 x 24 = 1440 QSO's, pretty
simple huh?  Doesn't require HP.  Doesn't require Big Antennas.  It's just
pure will and determination.  That's my goal and I'm sticking with it.  I
will be off for a couple hours Saturday Evening and for the Football game on
Sunday.  Other than that --- QRZed SS?  It's been a while since I did a full
24 hours.  I want some pure good ole fashioned competition.  What say ladies
and gentlemen?  Let's get this thing going...

Jim  WA2MBP one of the ole dynamic duo

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