[SECC] Claimed Scores Last Week's Contests

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Wed Sep 14 02:26:14 EDT 2005

Hello everyone:  Greetings from San Francisco.  Here is what I have on 
last wekend's contests.  It is the best I can do
from the laptop.  I know the columns don't always line up and don't know 
how to correct that.

1.  Arkansas QSO Party
Call       CW Qs  Ph Qs  Mults      Score    Category    Time
K4BAI  3            5         5             55         SOHPMix  0:14

2.  North American Sprint CW
W4PA    359  44  15,796     HP    4 hrs.  At K4JNY  SSC
K4RO    312  43   13,416    HP     4        SSC
K4BAI   283  45   12,735    HP     3:58   SSC
W4NZ    277   43   11,911   HP      4       SSC
W4OC   250   43   10,750  LP       4       SSC
KU8E     237   43   10,191  LP       4      SSC
AA4GA  181   43    7,783   LP               SSC
AA4LR   144   38    5,472   HP      4      SSC
NA4BW   70    30   2,100   QRP    3:30 SSC
K4LW      70    27   1,890   LP       2     
N4GG       61    27   1,708  HP       0:40
N4PN                                                     SSC

3.  Tennessee QSO Party
Call         CQ Qs   Ph Qs   Mults     Score   Category   Time
K4PIC    44            6           23         3,712   SOHP
K4BAI    32          14           23         3,052   SOHP     1:31    
Includes bonus pts
NA4BW  36           8            21        3,004    SOQRP  2.5      
Includes bonus pts
WE4S       0          10             8            180    SOLP     
2         Includes bonus pts  GA

4.  Worked All Europe (WAE) SSB
Call         QSOs   QTCs   Mults    Score    Category  Time
N4PN     251      251       69         81,826  SOHP      9
K4BAI     60         56       28           7,076  SOHP     4:58
KR4M     13         10       14              322   SOHP     0.6

5.  ARRL Sept VHF QSO Party
NN4RR   196  87  17,052  LtdMOLP   16.0   Ops:  NN4RR, WW4LL, K4ZJ
K4BAI      57   38   2,166   SOLP           2:28

Lots of contests this weekend.  See WA7BNM or SM3CER pages for full info.


John, K4BAI.

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