[SECC] Thanks for participating in the AQP

Jim Johnson jimjohnson at allvantage.com
Sun Apr 30 21:22:55 EDT 2006

Hey Everyone, 

First of all, I want to thank everyone for participating in the 
Alabama QSO Party.  

Please submit your logs.  I know that sometimes, when one has 
just a few minutes to play it hardly seems important to submit a log 
with only a couple of dozen contacts.  

For the AQP, it is pretty important to have as many logs submitted 
as possible.  We can use the information to promote the AQP 
within and outside of Alabama, to promote to software vendors the 
level of activity, etc.   So if you can, please take a few minutes to 
send your log to logs at alabamaqsoparty.org

Thanks again for the support and participation.



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