[SECC] Ohio QSO Party This Weekend

ku8e at bellsouth.net ku8e at bellsouth.net
Tue Aug 22 11:43:58 EDT 2006

  As K4BAI mentioned in an earlier email the Ohio QSO Party is this coming weekend. Check their
  website at http://www.oqp.us/ for all the information. I have a particular interest in this one since
  I am a native "buckeye". Many of my good friends from the Mad River Radio Club will be out rovering
  around the state. Give this one a try. There is enough rover activity to keep you interested plus the
  propagation is pretty good from our part of the country up to Ohio, especially on 20 and 40 meters.

  The contest starts at 1600Z (noon) Saturday and goes to 0400Z (midnight).

  Jeff KU8E

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