[SECC] Long Path on 40 Meters

ku8e at bellsouth.net ku8e at bellsouth.net
Sun Dec 24 13:37:40 EST 2006

Make sure you check LP on 40 meters. This is a good time of the year since our sunset is around the same time as sunrise in JA. I worked 
JM7OLW (2220z) and YB1A (2312z) on 40 cw yesterday. 9V1YC was also spotted but could barely hear him. Too bad the VU7's are only on SSB right now because they would probably be workable. Guess I will have to wait until January since the wire antennas aren't getting thru on 20 SSB. Only need 6 more counties to have them all so hopefully I can get thru the pileups then...

BTW.. the 40 meter antenna is pretty simple here - A wire vertical with 4 elevated radials. I am amazed how it works on the long haul stuff. It's about the same to EU as the zepp at 45 ft. Running K4BAI's AL-811H - about 600 watts.

Happy Holidays and HNY to everyone

Jeff KU8E

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