[SECC] Dayton Plans

ku8e at bellsouth.net ku8e at bellsouth.net
Mon May 14 15:12:07 EDT 2007

  Wonder who all is going to Dayton ?  

    I will be flying to Indianapolis on Friday morning and then driving over to Dayton.
  Staying at the Crowne Plaza with K4BAI. I will be at contest dinner on Saturday night 
  at the SECC table K4BAI put together.

    John and I are going to the FOC breakfest on Sunday morning. I am then dropping him
  off at the airport and driving back to Indy. I am spending rest of the day at the Indy 500 time 
  trials and then flying home around 9:00 PM. Hope to catch up with everyone at the Hamvention

  Jeff KU8E

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