[SECC] Sunny South Hospitality Suite

Rick Dougherty NQ4I nq4i at contesting.com
Sat Jul 19 14:08:48 EDT 2008

Hi all...sorry I have been so quiet the past few weeks...I am having to work
a lot of extra days and it has been keeping me pretty busy...

ANNOUNCING!!! The first ever Sunny South Hospitality Suite at the Huntsville
Hamfest....The Alabama Contest Group, the South East Contest Club, and the
Tennessee Contest Group announce the joint sponsorship of a hospitality
suite at the Holiday Inn in downtown Huntsville. Ala....The will be a cash
bar...there will be food and there will be socializing of dxers' and
contestor's.....be a part of the fun...be a part of the action!! Pile up
copying contests will be available for ssb and cw....there are still rooms
at the Holiday Inn available and also a hotel is across the street...the
hospitality suite will kick off at approx 6pm and go till approx 9pm...you
can have a brewski and just walk to the room...no need to drive etc...could
those of you going plan to respond to either the reflector or to me that you
will be going?? Thanks and hoping ot see some of you there...de Rick NQ4I
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