[SECC] SECC Welcomes Clark, KE4RQ

Hal Kennedy halken at comcast.net
Fri Feb 26 06:24:35 PST 2010

On behalf of the SECC I'd like to welcome Clark Macaulay, KE4RQ to our
ranks.  Clark is an active DX'er and regular attendee at the monthly
Wednesday SEDXC meetings.  Clark refers to himself as a "little pistol"
in contesting terms, typically running either QRP or 100W on CW.  Clark
is located in Marietta - you are well inside our ARRL defined operating
circle Clark and free to submit scores for the SECC for those contests
that require this condition be met.
In terms of "little pistol" I am reminded that there are plaques, "1st
place awards" and top ten boxes for LP (100W) and QRP in nearly every
major contest.  A KW is not required to win.  Winning takes chair time,
antennas and practice, practice, practice!
Welcome aboard Clark!
73, Hal, N4GG

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