[SECC] Claimed Scores Last Week's Contests, SECC Attributed Scores Only

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Sun Dec 4 12:47:14 PST 2011

Claimed Scores, This Week's Contests:

1.  CQ World Wide DX Contest, CW
Call     QSOs   DXC  Zon  Score       Category  Time    St   Club  Misc
PJ4A     12316  697  189  32,392,770  M/2 HP    48      PJ4  SECC/YCCC  
Ops: K1XM, K4BAI, KU8E, W1FJ
NQ4I      9329  834  207  26,802,627  M/M HP    48      GA   SECC  Ops:  
K1ZZI     1657  500  151   3,073,371  SOAB(A)HP 24.6    GA   SECC
K4SSU     1674  324  126   2,112,300  SOAB HP   39.5    GA   SECC  Op:  
W5JR      1035  464  141   1,729,560  SOAB(A)HP 36      GA   SECC
N4LR       723  432  122   1,116,864  SOAB(A)HP __      GA   SECC
N4GG       621  357  112     810,432  SOAB(A)HP 12:18   GA   SECC  SO2R
KN4QD      662  210  102     772,088  SOAB(A)LP 17      SC   SECC
W4XO       563  272   81     542,561  SOAB(A)HP 13      GA   SECC
N4PN      1097  109   28     399,355  SOSB/80HP __      GA   SECC
NM2L       429  201   84     341,430  SOAB LP   12      GA   SECC
W4AX       473  165   48     282,438  SOAB HP   15      GA   SECC
W4QO       346  173   65     230,384  SOAB(A)QRP 16     GA   SECC
AA4GA      273  182   72     192,532  SOAB(A)QRP 17     GA   SECC
WI4R       217  143   71     128,614  SOAB(A)HP ~12     GA   SECC
KB4KBS     160  129   53      75,774  SOAB(A)LP   8     GA   SECC
N5VI       156  105   49      69,300  SOAB LP     3     GA   SECC
NN4K       137  101   50      58,135  SOAB(A)HP   -     GA   SECC
AD8J       115   69   32      31,209  SOAB LP     _     NC   SECC
NJ8J        87   55   39      19,928  SOAB LP     6.5   GA   SECC
W4MJA       22   19   17       1,548  SOAB(A)LP    5     GA   SECC
N4MWR      148   68    ?           ?        ?      _     GA   SECC  Now 

2.  NCCC NS Sprint Practice, 12/3/11
K1GU   39  32  1,248  SOLP  0.5  TN  TCG
W4NZ   37  29  1,073  SOLP  0.5  TN  TCG
K4BAI  29  25    725  SOLP  0:24 GA  SECC
KY4F   28  23    644  SOLP  0.5  AL  ACG

Remember that there is a shorter than previous deadline for log 
submission and to include the full name of your contest club in the 
Cabrillo header.  Thanks for all QSOs with PJ4A.  We made a higher M/2 
score than had ever been reported and also higher in South America than 
ever before, but we were beaten soundly by a larger group of German ops 
from CR3L.  After log checking, our score likely would not have beaten 
the world record, but it could hold up to be a new SA continental 
record.  Sorry this report was so late this week, but it took a lot of 
catching up before I could get organized to draft it.

This week's contests:

1.  December Adventure Radio Society Spartan Sprint.  Monday local 
0200-0400Z Tuesday.  80-10M.  5W maximum.  Exchange:  RST, SPC, power.

2.  80M QRP Fox Hunt.  0200-0330Z Wednesday (Tuesday night local).  The 
two foxes will be myself, K4BAI and N1IX in NH.  5W maximum power.  Look 
between 3550 and 3570 kHz.  Exchange:  RST, SPC, Name, Power.  Work only 
the two foxes.

I am collecting scores for ARRL 160M now and look forward to many QSOs 
in ARRL 10M next weekend.  Remember that both of these contests have 
club aggregate score competitions.

73, John, K4BAI.

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