[SECC] storms

Rick Dougherty NQ4I nq4i at contesting.com
Sun May 1 04:00:59 PDT 2011

Hi all...I am happy to report that no damage to the  NQ4I station, but
it was a very close shave...one F3 tornado just 4 miles to the north
and another about 6 miles south...devastation was
unbelievable!! Georganne and I drove out to the area...the tornado
touched down near Gay, Ga and tracked NE (approx 45 degrees) until it
reached Hampton, Ga...over 22 miles on
the ground...at points it was over 1/2 mile wide....a lot of damage in
the Vaughan community ( just west of Griffin)...surveying the damage
it is apparent of the tremendous power in a tornado...
Rotational velocities in excess of 180 mph...with tremendous torque
values...the largest trees don't even stand a chance..much less a
person's home....debris was strewn the length of the path...items were
found miles away from where they belonged...and hundreds of residents
don't have a home any more...loss of life was much less in Georgia
than Alabama....I spoke with K4TD and KY4F in the
Huntsville area and it is like what I saw just multiplied by 100 or
more times...they had over 150 tornadoes on the ground over there and
300+ people lost their lives...it will take months to clean up and
years to rebuild! Fortuantely K4TD's mega station is intact also...he
had a number of tornadoes as close as a  1 mile away....

de Rick NQ4I

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