[SECC] new stack

Courtney Judd K4WI k4wi at earthlink.net
Sun May 15 13:42:48 PDT 2011

update: I found enough nice used Rohn 25 sections to take the tower back up 
to 140 ft. Everything else such as torque arms, guy anchors etc, can be 
re-used so I am saving quite a bit. I do need a top flat-top section, 
bearing and rotator plate.... if you know of such, let me know; otherwise I 
will order new. Now, what should I put back up for antennas? I have two 
KT-34's and one new KT-36XA... stack these.... I think I can make two 10 
mtrs yagis out of the 4 that got trashed and buy another new one. The swing 
arms and two rotators are good. So some thinking about where to go with this 
project is in order. If I decide to go with the tri-banders; I will have a 
big pile of nice 10 mtr stuff to get rid of if anyone might be interested. I 
am open to all ideas and/or suggestions!!! lol, Cort K4WI 

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