[SECC] Trip to Bonaire, PJ4

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Mon May 23 11:37:43 PDT 2011

Hello ham friends:

I suspect that many of you don't have Bonaire, PJ4, the new DXCC entity 
confirmed on all bands and modes.  Early tomorrow, May 24, Dick, K4IQJ, 
and I will fly down to the K2NG/PJ4G rental QTH on Bonaire where we will 
be QRV until we return home on May 31.  We will be QRV on many bands and 
modes outside the CQ WPX CW Contest and I will be QRV in the contest as 
PJ4A SO AB HP.  If Dick is QRV on CW on the contest bands and modes 
during the contest, he will sign PJ4/K4IQJ and we will both use PJ4/home 
calls outside the WPX Contest.  QSL my non-contest and contest QSOs via 
K4BAI and Dick's via K4IQJ.  The PJ4A QSOs will be uploaded to LOTW 
within a few weeks by KU8E.

If everything works OK, we will be able to send and receive e-mails.  Of 
course, I will not do that during the contest as I will not be in the 
assisted category.  I will work mostly CW, but can and will QSY to SSB 
upon request.  Dick will also work mostly CW, but can and will QSY to 
SSB and also I expect to RTTY.  Dick will be taking down a K9AY loop. 
He spoke to the antenna forum at Dayton on Friday on using multiple K9AY 
loops to improve reception on 160 and 80M.   Dick plans to emphasize 
160M in spite of it being late May.  Last year, I made only three QSOs 
on 160M in a week of operating, so 160M will see more activity from 
Bonaire this May than last.  Note that Hans, PJ4LS, will also be QRV in 

Unfortunately, we will not have equipment or an antenna for six meters 
this trip.  KU8E and I will return with others probably in November for 
CQ WW CW and 160M will be a better band then.

If travel plans go exactly as scheduled, I could be QRV as PJ4/K4BAI in 
the SKCC SKS Sprint Tuesday night 00-02Z.  I bought a light weight hand 
key from Don, K8MFO, at Dayton for that purpose, but any SKCC members 
who wants a straight key QSO outside the contest may send me their SKCC 
number and I'll try to change to the hand key for a QSO.

I do expect to be QRV as PJ4/K4BAI in the NCCC SNS and NS sprints on 
Thursday night.  Don't forget to count PJ4 as a multiplier for that 
Sprint even though it is in South America since a special rule added the 
SA PJ2 islands when DC was added as a multiplier.

P40W by W2GD will also be QRV in the contest and John and I are both 
shooting for the SA record, which I set last year.  RD3A should be QRV 
from the Canaries as EF8R and I am sure he is shooting for another world 

Best wishes to all for the next week and the WPX contest and safe travel 
to all who will be traveling.  I hope that Dick and I can give out many 
new band/mode countries from PJ4. We will emphasize the WRTC bands for 
that purpose and will also try to be QRV when Asia contacts are possible.

73, John, K4BAI/PJ4A.

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