[SECC] FW: CWOpen NM2L LP Session I

gregpotter at charter.net gregpotter at charter.net
Sun Sep 2 07:52:13 EDT 2012

This is it.  Part time effort, but it will help the club score a little.


-------- Begin forwarded message --------
Subject: CWOpen NM2L LP
Date: 9/2/12 7:47:56 AM
From: webform at b41h.net
To: 3830 at contesting.com, gregpotter at charter.net

CWops CW Open - 1200Z-1559Z

Call: NM2L
Operator(s): NM2L
Station: NM2L

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 4

  Band  QSOs  Mults
   160:    0     0
    80:    1
    40:   33
    20:   66
    15:   37
    10:   13
Total:  150   102  Total Score = 15,300

Club: South East Contest Club


First time on a Georgia Contest Group team.  FT-1000MP/MK-V, back yard 
wires.  I
really wish I could have made the other sessions, but this time it just 
meant to be.  73 de Greg NM2L

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: 

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