[SECC] Reminder: SAC CW This Weekend

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Thu Sep 13 08:21:33 EDT 2012

This is a short reminder of the upcoming Scandinavian Activity Contest on CW

Go to our web for full information:http://sactest.net

* CW 15 – 16 September 1200 – 1200 UTC
* Check out the rules and choose your favorite operating class
* Follow the NTC - National Team Contesting Trial with on-line scores
and video onhttp://cqcontest.ru
* Looking for a new record to break? Check the Searchable Scores
* Announce your activity! Show others that you will be on air
* Propagation. Check out the cool on-line VOACAP predictions by OH6BG
* Enjoy working the more exotic Scandinavians, like OX, JW and OJ0

And most of all: Put on the radio this weekend and have fun with the

73 & Enjoy SAC
Ingo SM5AJV / SE5E
SAC CC Teamleader
CQ-Contest mailing list
CQ-Contest at contesting.com

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