[SECC] K4BAI Claimed Score NAQP CW

RJ Hubbard rj.wf4w at gmail.com
Mon Aug 5 11:17:56 EDT 2019

Thanks, John! I appreciate the note. I really need to get setup for SO2R
... that would make this so much easier. . .

I was having some decent runs (for me) on 40m but when the rate ran low,
I'd QSY and so some S&P - that's how I found KL7, 8P, NP2, HH - I don't
have the patience to call CQ without answer for much more than 90 seconds
so that's what usually forces me into S&P. I do that until I run across a
clear freq and then try to get run again. I understand from a pervious
topic on SO2R that I should be S&P on another band while calling CQ on
another... just need to get that all setup

With my single IC-7610, I  do try to watch the other bands for activity . I
usually have dual-watch on so I can see whats going on - it's usually
watching 10m but I switched it to 160m saturday night and saw the activity
so I switched over and got some contacts. . . my antenna is not optimum so
not everyone could hear me but that's a different topic...  If I had taken
the time,  I would have had it setup to monitor a 3rd band using an SDR app
on the PC. I've had it running before, just didnt think to get it setup for
NAQP. That would give me visibility into two additional bands and make
switching between them easier.

I did have a couple stations ask me to QSY which I did but it wasnt as
efficient as I would have liked since it was to 160m - the ONE band I have
to use a tuner.  I never really thought to ask others to QSY for their
multiplier bc I'm just not efficient enough to do that... without impacting
my rate and their rate.. . .

I do want to get setup for SO2R but my second rig is an old FT-990 which
isnt exactly plug-n-play in terms of CAT control :) -- guess i need to
invest in another more modern rig. I suppose a 7300 would play nicely and
for a relatively small investment.

any other feedback is appreciated..

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