[SECC] Travels with KU8E

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Sat Aug 31 22:59:13 EDT 2019

Jeff drove us from Columbus to near Nashville.?? Nice trip and quite a 
few QSOs from the mobile.?? Mobile seems to be fine on 40 and 20, but 
having trouble with SWR on 80.?? 80 can be important in the last hours on 
Sunday night.?? So, we hope to fix that tomorrow morning.

18Z to 03Z Sunday.?? Other mobiles will also be active.?? Please work as 
many as you can???? Especially me and Jeff as W4AN/M.?? Bonus station is 
K4FCG operating from the WV4P QTH.

Jeff and I met AD4EB and N4ZZ for dinner tonight.?? Both of them will be 
QRV /M tomorrow.?? We hope to meet Ted, W4NZ for breakfast Sunday in 
Chattanooga.?? We will then be QRV on the way home to Columbus on the 
Monday holiday.

Hope everyone has a nice Sunday and Holiday.

Jeff and I will be using the South East Contest Club call W4AN/M.

Please let me know if you are interested in teams for CW Open or NA 
Sprint CW the weekend after next.

73, John, K4BAI.

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