[SECC] Announcement: 2020 Hawaii QSO Party

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Tue Aug 4 09:28:32 EDT 2020

Please save the dates: *Aug 22-24* for the *Hawaii QSO Party*


The HQP will run from 0400Z 22 August to 0359Z 24 August. Work as many 
stations on as many bands and modes as you can. Complete rules:


With vacations limited this year we aren't getting many visitors here in 
the islands. Come visit us on the air. Visit all the islands and all the 
Moku (ancient territories).

A map of the Hawaii multipliers can be found here: 

While most QSO parties use their counties as multipliers, here in Hawaii 
we only have five counties so we've expanded the multiplier list to use 
“districts” instead roughly following the Moku. Well, not exactly. In a 
modern twist, we divided districts along zip code lines.

All digital modes (RTTY, FT8, FT4, PSK, whatever) are considered 
“digital” so there are three modes to use: CW, Phone, Digital.

Hopefully, the WX will cooperate and we'll have some excellent conditions.

Please submit all logs .. big or small .. here:


Even one QSO is not too small. If you have any trouble then please send 
me an email.

Also, the OH QSO Party will be active during HQP. If you log OH and HI 
stations, that's OK. We can deal with it.

With Aloha,

Alan AD6E / KH6TU

HQP Chairman

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