[SECC] CWops Mini-CWT Test - 0300Z Aug 20

Ben Coleman nj8j at benshome.net
Thu Aug 20 00:12:02 EDT 2020

                    CWops Mini-CWT Test - 0300Z Aug 20

Call: NJ8J
Operator(s): NJ8J
Station: NJ8J

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 1

 Band  QSOs
   80:  21
   40:   5
   20:   2
Total:  28  Mults = 24  Total Score = 672

Club: South East Contest Club


Alinco DX-77T
LDG AT-11MP Automatic Antenna tuner

110 ft OCF doublet fed with ladder-line

Logger: N1MM+

Well, I got my new Mortty in use today.  Now I gotta get used to
computer keying.  Did a fair amount of messing up - I tried using Enter
Sends Message in N1MM+, but it kinda clashes with my finger memory for
logging, and I occasionally got switched into run mode somehow.  I'll
probably leave that off until I get used to using the function keys, and
then try ESM later.

Had to go back to the straight key for 40, as on 40, the key gets locked
down when I start to transmit with the Mortty.  Gotta get that figured out.

20 started out pretty slim pickings - not near as busy as it usually is.

Ben Coleman nj8j at benshome.net
 "I love the way Microsoft follows standards.  In much the
same manner that fish follow migrating caribou."
                                            Paul Tomblin

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