[SECC] Unbelievable 10 meter Contest Conditions!!

Steven Schwab - KT4Q kt4q.nc at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 03:23:20 EST 2020

Definitely good conditions considering still relatively low sun numbers. Given my lack of cw talent being all s&p and some small runs on phone I feel pleased, especially at LP and with a wire and a vertical. Thought it was going to be a rough contest and my numbers were way down for the first hour. The I figured out I was operating at QRP. Actually didn't do to bad for just a few watts. Hopefully more fun tomorrow  as Sunday. 

All the Best,
Steve Schwab
352/988-0202 (cell)
kt4q.nc at gmail.com

Sent from my AT&T
iPhone 11 Pro Max in Clay County, NC

> On Dec 12, 2020, at 12:37 AM, Jeff Clarke <ku8e at ku8e.com> wrote:
> Getting ready to shutdown for the night. It's 12:30 AM.
> Unbelievable conditions on 10 meters tonight !  545 QSO's and 43 States/Provinces and 3 counties so far. All CW. Good Sporadic E to north of us. Also had a VK, ZL and 2 ZF's call me. Also worked one XE multiplier. Many CA and AZ stations in my log as well. This is by far the most contacts I've made on a Friday night of a 10 meter contest. (even during the sunspot peak years) I sure hope conditions are this good tomorrow morning when the sun comes up...
> Jeff
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