[SECC] Russian DX Contest and Virginia QSO Party This Week End

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Fri Mar 20 15:43:38 EDT 2020

Hello guys and gals:

This weekend it is likely our activities will be more limited than 
usual.  On the other hand today (UTC date) is the vernal equinox and 
that is usually a good time for DX.

The Russian DX Contest has a club aggregate score competition for clubs 
that submit five or more logs.  Be sure to put your club "South East 
Contest Club" in the Cabrillo header on the "CLUB:" line.

This contest is CW only, or SSB only, or Mixed.  It runs 24 hours. 
1200Z Sat to 1200Z Sun.  8 AM Sat to 8 AM Sun. EDT. For this contest, 
there is no "club circle" limitation, so any SECC member may submit a 
score for SECC.  There is no requirement to pre-register before the 
contest, so just get on, have fun, submit your score to 3830 if possible 
and submit your Cabrillo log to the sponsor.

There are also awards for each power level, HP, LP, and QRP.  Single 
band entries are also possible and you can enter single band with the 
same call on two different bands. Note requirements for naming your 
single band logs to include the band.

Everyone can work everyone else, so it is a combined DX and domestic 
contest.  This contest is a big counter for WRTC qualification so I'd 
expect all the big contesters to be QRV.

Packet or cluster is permitted for all classes of competition, but no 
"self spotting" is permitted.  There is no limit on band changes, but 
each station who is single op can have only one signal on the air at any 
one time.

If things get slow in the Rus DX, there is also the VA QSO Party this 

Using our radios to contact others worldwide while our usual activities 
are curtailed is a good idea and should lift our spirits.

Have a really good weekend.

73, John, K4BAI
President, SECC

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