[SECC] SS CW W8FN Single Op HP

Randy Farmer w8fn at windstream.net
Mon Nov 9 09:57:03 EST 2020

ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, CW - 2020

Call: W8FN
Operator(s): W8FN
Station: W8FN

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 23:30
Radios: SO2R

Band QSOs
80: 513
40: 299
20: 179
15: 27
Total: 1018 Sections = 81
Total Score = 164,916

Club: South East Contest Club


My first SS from the new NC station, so didn't quite know what to 
expect. Given
my lack of decent antennas for 20 meters and higher, I expected to do 
better on
80 and 40. That turned out to be true, in spades. I had tentatively set 
out with
a goal of 700 QSOs. Instead, I ended up with over 1000 for the first 
time since
leaving Ohio in 1997, where I had real antennas and full power amps. I'm 
satisfied with these results -- I'm ecstatic.

For the first time, I also had fully functional SO2R capability, with
essentially zero interstation interference. The setup performed 
beautifully. I
spent the majority of time never hearing the transmit monitor on the
transmitting radio, instead listening on the second radio. It was great 
able to smoothly interleave QSOs between the run radio and the S&P radio
when the rates weren't high (which was most of the contest). Sunday is 
always a
day of boredom, just grinding out what you can at low rates. The new 
setup made
it much less frustrating. As the years go on, it gets harder and harder 
to slug
it out for 24 hours. The improved station made this year's effort far less
grueling than I expected.

Conditions were good, with much less QSB on the low bands than usual. 
Worked a
bunch of QRP stations, and most had pretty good signals.

Thanks to everyone for the QSOs. Maybe I'll see you for the SSB session 
(but NOT
for 24 hours!)

Randy, W8FN

2X K3 / KPA500 / KAT500
80, 40 -- Fan inverted vee at about 55'
20-10 -- Fan triband dipole at about 35'
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