[SECC] SECC Club Officers - Custodian of Club Call W4AN

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Wed Nov 11 18:17:53 EST 2020

The current SECC officers are President, John, K4BAI; Vice President, 
Jim, VE7ZO; Secretary, Chaz, W4GKF; Treasurer Mike, K4LD.

We should have been having annual elections.  We once did and several of 
you have served as officers.  I think I recall K4EA was president for 
two years.  I think NQ4I was an officer.  I know WW4LL was.  I think 
N4GG was an officer.  Anyway, there has been little interest in being an 
officer lately and I have simply not called elections.  We have a club 
year of July 1 to June 30, I think.  We used to elect officers at an 
in-person meeting in conjunction with the Kennehoochee Hamfest or the 
Atlanta Hamfest.

I am 78 year old and in good health.  I am still working full time and 
playing old men's tennis whenever I can.  I am also the custodian of the 
club call, W4AN.

Everyone and every organization needs to do succession planning. 
Otherwise, the organization may die with the death or inactivity of the 
former leaders.

Jeff, KU8E, who lives in Ellerslie, GA has come forward to say that, if 
elected, he would serve as President.  I haven't asked the other 
officers, but I think Chaz has his duties down and might continue to 
serve.  Perhaps Mike would also, since we have no dues and no treasury 
anyway.  I haven't seen or heard from Jim, VE7ZO, in several years, but 
assume he still lives in the Atlanta area.  He was a mainstay at multi 
ops at NQ4I, operated at least once at WW4LL, and did many FL QSO 
Parties with a buddy down there.

Jeff has suggested that I ask the membership if anyone has any 
opposition to his taking over as president of SECC.  Jeff is a lot 
younger than I am and has some time as he is retired from an IT 
position.   So, please let me know if you oppose Jeff's suggestion and 
also if you would like to be considered for one of the other offices.  
I'll consolidate the replies and coordinate with the other current 

If I step aside as President, I plan to continue to be active and to 
encourage contest activity among club members and try to recruit new 
members also.

Jeff would also consider becoming the custodian of the club call, W4AN, 
and that might be harder to transfer if I am still the custodian when I 
pass away.

73, John, K4BAI.

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