[SECC] Busting A Pileup Zoom meeting, by N4XL

Kevan Nason knason00 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 14 13:53:40 EST 2020


It's short notice, but you are invited to attend a presentation by Kevan,
N4XL, in which he shares techniques found useful while trying to bust
through the QRM and snag a new contact. It is geared towards the little
pistol S&P CW and SSB contester feeling frustrated that she can't break
through very often and is looking for some new things to try. It should be
noted though, that Kevan also found these tips helpful while part of
several multi-multi efforts where he was given a 4 ele 40-meter monoband
yagi at 135 feet and 1,500 watts to play with. No earth shattering secrets
will be revealed (because there aren't many operating secrets not already
talked about or not already being widely used), but older hands might still
find a philosophical idea or two to consider or debate.

This talk was originally given to the South Carolina DX Association and
includes information for DXer's and Contesters alike. A couple updates have
been added since the earlier presentation.

Start time is 7:30 PM EST. Expect a prompt start time for the hour long get
together. Sponsored by the Swamp Fox Contest Group.

Kevan N4XL

Topic: "Busting A Pile-Up" Swamp Fox Contest Group
Time: Nov 16, 2020 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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