[SECC] Fwd: WAE RTTY WF4W Single Op HP

RJ Hubbard rj.wf4w at gmail.com
Sun Nov 15 19:21:24 EST 2020

I was actually able to cobble together more than my usual 6-8 hours! I do
love the WAE contests - it takes me some time to get accustomed to the QTC
exchange but it gets easier - not to self - make sure I exchange more QTCs
next time :)


                    WAE DX Contest, RTTY - 2020

Call: WF4W
Operator(s): WF4W
Station: WF4W

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band  QSOs  Pts  QTCs  Mults
   80:   22   22     0    32
   40:  146  146    50   123
   20:  138  138    53    90
   15:   32   32    49    44
   10:    0    0     0     0
Total:  338  490   152   289  Total Score = 141,610

Club: South East Contest Club


RTTY contests are awesome! Unlike CW/SSB I can operate without getting lost
my son comes into the shack to talk to me :) I had a great time with WAE
WAE is quickly becoming my favorite contest!

Conditions were great, activity was high, and I could work anything I could
which made operating a pleasure!

The IC-7610 + ALS-600 + 6BTV + N1MM = easy operating!

73 de RJ, WF4W

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/
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