[SECC] Fwd: GA QP Plaque

Jeff Clarke ku8e at ku8e.com
Mon Nov 16 17:07:39 EST 2020

Thanks to whoever supported this plaque from OM2VL.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	GA QP Plaque
Date: 	Mon, 16 Nov 2020 23:00:17 +0100
From: 	László Végh <totya.om2vl at gmail.com>
To: 	ku8e at ku8e.com, qrz at chazcone.com, John Laney <k4bai at att.net>

Dear Friends!

Today I got the GA QP 2020 Plaque. Thank you very much!
GA QP was my first QSO Party in 2008 and I am back now after 8 year of 
absence ...

I would like send my BIG thanks also for my Plaque sponsor, but I see on 
GAQP webpage , that "anonymous donor" so please QSP my BIG thanks.

Stay safe!
regards, Laci OM2VL
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