[SECC] New Officer Slate

Jeff Clarke ku8e at ku8e.com
Tue Nov 17 00:23:12 EST 2020

Thanks everyone for the support. I hope you all help me make the SECC 
successful by getting on the air during contests. Also, lets all try to 
be mindful about comments we make on the reflector and not alienate 
anyone. We want to turn over a new leaf with the SECC.

A big THANK YOU goes to John Laney, K4BAI for serving as club president 
and keeping us afloat for such a long. He assures me he's not going away 
and will continue be an active cheerleader for the club.

This is probably a good time to announce that we have a new club webpage 
that can be found at https://southeastcontestclub.com/ The "Join the 
SECC" link will navigate back to the old webpage since Chaz as 
volunteered to continue to be secretary. This will make it easier for 
him to make changes to the roster. If anyone out there is a WordPress 
expert and would like to maintain the SECC site I would like to hear 
from you. Otherwise I will continue to do it.

Here are some other questions I have:

1) Should we switch the reflector over to Groups.io ?

2) Would there be an interest in occasional SECC Zoom presentations. I 
need someone to volunteer to setup and coordinate these.

3) I would like someone to volunteer to maintain the SECC webpage. 
Wordpress experience is a requirement to do this.

4) If you have a station that can host Multi-Ops (in-person or remotely) 
let us know you're out there. This is a great way to mentor new contesters.

5) Open for any and all other suggestions.

We can't  be successful if I have to do everything myself because I also 
manage the Georgia QSO Party in addition to being club president. If I 
don't have help it's going to be the same status quo that we've had for 
awhile. Also thanks to W8FN, W4GKF and K4BAI for filling the other 
officer positions.

73's Jeff KU8E

On 11/16/2020 10:31 PM, John Laney wrote:
> All votes received were favorable to the slate proposed. Therefore, 
> this is the officer list for SECC from now until 30 June 2022:
> President, KU8E
> VPresident, W8FN
> Secretary, W4GKF
> Treasurer, K4BAI
> Let's all support the efforts of the officers.  For starters, all who 
> can should participate and show South East Contest Club as your club 
> the contests coming up soon:  ARRL Nov SS SSB.  CQ WW DX Contest, CW, 
> ARRL 160M Contest, ARRL 10M Contest.  Should be a lot of fun.  73, 
> John, K4BAI
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