[SECC] Phone Sweepstakes

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Fri Nov 20 20:07:57 EST 2020

I will be QRV as much as I can.  We have a couple of things going on 
that will take me away from the rig.  But, will contribute as many 
points as I can.  Hope to work many of your, probably mostly on 80 and 
maybe 40.  73, John, K4BAI.  # B K4BAI  54 GA.

On 11/20/2020 6:43 PM, Jeff Clarke wrote:
> Anyone going to be on for SSB Sweepstakes this weekend? I will be on 
> PT since both my kids are coming home from college this weekend. If 
> you do get on please submit your score for the "South East Contest 
> Club" even if it's a small score.
> Jeff KU8E
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