Scott Straw kb4kbs at gmail.com
Sun Nov 29 19:30:47 EST 2020

Call: *KB4KBS <https://www.3830scores.com/findcall.php?call=KB4KBS>*
Operator(s): KB4KBS <https://www.3830scores.com/findcall.php?call=KB4KBS>
Station: KB4KBS

Class: *SO(A)AB LP*
Operating Time (hrs): 4:30
Location: USA
Summary:   Compare Scores
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 0 0 0
80: 2 2 2
40: 3 3 3
20: 10 4 10
15: 39 10 30
10: 2 2 2
Total: *56* *21* *47* Total Score *10,268*

Club: South East Contest Club

I forget which contests are supposed to go to GCC and which goe to SECC.  I
probably got it backwards...

Played a bit on Saturday morning.  Went to 15 and worked a few while
everyone was still on 40 and 20.  No new DX, but maybe a few BINGO card
fills - hopefully the op in Greenland heard my call correctly on 80
correctly at 23:51 Sunday evening and uses LOTW. That would be a nice catch
to complete my 5BDXCC.

Yaesu FT-450D
MFJ-939 Tuner
MORTTY v.3 Electronic Keyer
Bencher BY-2 Iambic Paddles
G5RV Dipole Antenna @ ~15M AGL
N1MM+ Contesting Software

Scott Straw
Roswell, Georgia USA
North Fulton Amateur Radio League
Southeastern DX Club
Texas DX Society (#215)
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