Jeff (W4DD) w4dd09 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 30 16:21:33 EST 2020


It's amazing what a little Solar Flux will do.  Friday it was at 106 and
trending up.  Today (Monday) it is 116.


Friday:  10M band dead, nothing to work.

Saturday: A little EU around 9AM.  Worked everything I could not knowing if
it would be better or worse on Sunday.  Worked the ZM4T and a couple of VK's
in the late afternoon.

Sunday: I could hear the east coast working EU and a half an hour later it
opened up for us.  Worked a good assortment of EU's (F, DL, G, I, etc) and
had a little run going for about an hour.  As usual, Sunday afternoon was
real slow.


Best DX worked: 5T, 7Q, V5, 9H1, and in the pacific VK, ZL, KH6 (several),


Best part of contest: EU finally opened after years of silence.  Was able to
work some pretty weak stations.


Best surprises:

The 7Q was calling CQ and had a REALLY BIG pile-up I could not bust.  He
left for a little while, but I left a reminder up to check on him just in
case he returned.  When he came back, I was the only caller.  Easyyyyy

The FM5 was calling CQ next to me.  Easy..  

The 9H1 answered my CQ


Not so good: Despite the Power company fixing several power pole noise
issues to the east that hosed the CQWW SSB contest, a couple still remain.
I worked through them on Saturday, but on Sunday it put a 3 S unit damper on
my morning EU run.  Every so often it would clear up for a minute and things
would be great, only to return.  All this from a road that had been pretty
trouble free for years.  The road is about a half mile from my QTH and runs
from NE to SE, pretty important directions.  My apologies to all the EU's
that I requested fills from.  If I can get that direction cleaned up,
perhaps my base noise level will be half as good as WW4LL's.  I was there
about a month ago for a visit and couldn't hear a single power pole buzz
(using AM mode) no matter what direction his top antenna was pointed !
Nada, nothing !  Lucky guy.  He has a great location for contesting and some
great hardware.



Jeff, W4DD




-----Original Message-----
From: webform at b4h.net <webform at b4h.net> 
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2020 3:16 PM
To: 3830 at contesting.com; w4dd09 at gmail.com


                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW - 2020


Call: W4DD

Operator(s): W4DD

Station: W4DD


Class: SOSB10 HP


Operating Time (hrs): 



Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries







   10:  318    24       54


Total:  318    24       54  Total Score = 59,436


Club: South East Contest Club




Glad to see a little Solar Flux and some EU on 10M.  Worked a couple of VK's
on Saturday afternoon and ZM4T sure had a great signal into the SE US on

afternoon.  ZM4T was the only ZL heard.    Activity seemed up and it was a

CQWW CW considering DXpeditions were curtailed because of Covid.



Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at:  <http://www.3830scores.com/>

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