[SECC] Announcement: AZ QSO Party This Weekend

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Mon Oct 5 23:09:55 EDT 2020

The Arizona QSO Party is 1500z Oct 10 to 0500z Oct 11, 2020 (UTC).

QSO party participation is way up in 2020, partly due to the State QSO 
Party Challenge. To make things more exciting and focus participation, 
the contest period of the Arizona QSO Party is now only 14 hours. The 
minimum number of QSOs required to qualify for an award plaque was 
reduced to 20, and there are a record number of plaque sponsors.

Certificates are awarded to all entrants.

Work W7A to receive 100 bonus points and print the W7A Special Event 
Station Certificate.

Work ARRL Arizona Section Manager W7RAP and print the ARRL-AZ QSL.

Don’t forget to check out the AZQP New Contester award.

Get on the Air – Make some Noise – Have Ham Radio Fun!

Good luck to all!

www.azqsoparty.org <http://www.azqsoparty.org/>

73, Bill Clark, K6WSC

Arizona QSO Party <https://www.azqsoparty.org/> Chairman

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