[SECC] CWT W8FN HP 1300Z 21 Oct 2020

Randy Farmer w8fn at windstream.net
Wed Oct 21 10:34:08 EDT 2020

CWops Mini-CWT Test - 1300Z Oct 21

Call: W8FN
Operator(s): W8FN
Station: W8FN

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 1:00

Band QSOs
80: 40
40: 103
Total: 143 Mults = 131
Total Score = 18,733

Club: South East Contest Club


Another good one goes in the books. Decided to try running on 80 to 
begin the
session, and got a really good rate with 40 QSOs in the first 20 minutes, at
which time the rate dried up quickly. Off to 40 for a run, with excellent
results. This is my second-best all time CWT score, so I'm quite 
pleased. It was
also a good check on 80 meter performance. With poor antennas for 20 
meters and
up, a good Sweepstakes showing will be dependent on lots of 40 and 80 QSOs.
Signals on 80 were good, but mostly close-in stations, within a few hundred
miles. 40 was a bit longer with more QSB. See everyone in the 1900Z session.

Randy, W8FN
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