[SECC] Fwd: NAQP SSB Plaque Sponsored by South East Contest Club

John Laney k4bai at ku8e.com
Sun Apr 18 21:13:17 EDT 2021





See message below from Kyle, KY7M, the new editor of the National 
Contest Journal.  For many years, SECC has sponsored the high Single Op 
North America in the NAQP contests. I guess this is both contests in a 
year combined.  Every time I received a bill, I asked for contributions 
and always cut off contributions when the total needed was subscribed.  
The guy in charge of it, K9QQ, has not asked for contributions in the 
past two years, so the plaques are behind.  Since I am the treasurer of 
SECC and since we have no dues or other club funds on hand, I will 
follow my prior procedure.  When I get the amount from Kyle, I will send 
out another message.  It shouldn't be too much for any one of us even 
with two years combined.  73, John, K4BAI.
Hi John,

We are transitioning the handling of NAQP SSB plaques from Brian Maves, 
K9QQ, to me until ARRL takes over this responsibility from /NCJ /later 
this year.  I have promised Bill, AC0W, NAQP SSB Manager that I will get 
caught up quickly on the long overdue 2019 and 2020 plaques along with 
those from the recent January 2021 contest.

Please confirm for me that SECC will pay for these plaques (Single Op, 
North America) and that you remain the contact for this award.  I will 
be checking with the plaque vendor this week on cost and will then send 
a payment request to you or your SECC designee.

Please pass along my thanks to the SECC from /NCJ /for continuing to 
sponsor this award.


Lee, KY7M

/NCJ /Editor

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