Scott Straw kb4kbs at gmail.com
Sun Jan 3 20:47:43 EST 2021

    Contest: ARRL-RTTY
   Call Sign: KB4KBS
    Category: Single Operator Unlimited, Digital Only, Low Power
    Operator: SINGLE-OP
    Assisted: ASSISTED
        Mode: DIGI
       Power: LOW
        Band: ALL
 Transmitter: ONE
     Station: FIXED
    Location: GA
Station Grid: EM74tb
        Club: Georgia Contest Group -
     QSOs in Log: 235

Raw Score: 229 Qpts x 56 Mults = 12,824

I tried to use WSJT-X and N1MM+ together, but it never would sync.  I
started late, only had a little while and didn't want to waste it fiddling
w/ software.  I cut and pasted the the adi lines from WSJT-X into N1MM+
after the contest thinking it would rescore and total the contacts but N1MM
didn't like the ADIF fields or something, because it didn't transfer the
S/P/C to the proper field in the N1MM+ log.  I tried to hand-enter a few
dozen and then re-score to see if that made a difference, but every QSO was
still worth 0 points and that couldn't be edited.  Any assistance would be
appreciated, I'd like to assemble a breakdown by band and mode.

Scott Straw
Roswell, Georgia USA
North Fulton Amateur Radio League
Southeastern DX Club
Texas DX Society (#215)
Georgia Contest Group
South East Contest Club
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