[SECC] 2021 Georgia QSO Party

Jeff Clarke ku8e at ku8e.com
Thu Jan 7 14:45:30 EST 2021

I'm looking for more feedback about the GQP rules. I feedback I've got 
so far has been to keep it the way it is. Unfortunately the only 
responses I've received were from long time SECC members that have 
always been set in their ways and are reluctant to make changes to 
anything. So their responses were predictable.

Here are some statistics from 2020:

CW Entries : 181

SSB Entries :  219

MIXED Entries: 244

Total CW QSOS : 31275   (Note: In a normal year when we have rovers you 
could probably add 5000+ QSOS to this total)

Total SSB QSOS: 30983

I would like some more feedback before I make up my mind.


On 1/6/2021 09:49 PM, Bill Coleman wrote:
> Counting multipliers once per mode only affects mixed mode scores. Those scores are judged in separate categories, so they aren’t comparable to CW or Phone-only scores.
> If multipliers only count once, then there’s little incentive to work the other mode. That might have a deleterious effect on Phone entries.
> Further, if you change the rules now, there’s not a lot of time for the contest software authors to change how their scoring works. A lot of folks might be scoring their entries the wrong way.
> My advise is to leave counting multipliers the way it is.
> I didn’t realize that W4AN and W4NT were special bonus stations. I don’t know how I missed that.
>> On Dec 28, 2020, at 2:09 PM, Jeff Clarke <ku8e at ku8e.com> wrote:
>> The Georgia QSO Party will return to being a two day event in 2021.  The Georgia QSO Party is held annually the 2nd full weekend of April. There are two operating periods: 1800Z (2:00 pm EDST) Saturday until 0359Z (11:59 pm EDST) and Sunday and 1400Z (10:00 am EDST) to 2359Z. (7:59 pm EDST).  For 2021 that will be April 10 - April 11th.  Note the URL for the webpage has changed to https://gaqsoparty.com/
>> I've been contemplating making some changes for 2021 :
>> 	• Counting multipliers only once and not per mode.
>> 	• Since COVID-19 will probably not be over by April continue to allow Multi-Ops to operate from more than one location. These locations need to be in the SAME COUNTY.  You also need to still follow the rules for Multi-Single and Multi-2 that are listed in the rules on the GQP webpage.
>> 	• Continue to have W4AN and W4NT as bonus stations. I will probably just get rid of the 100 points per QSO and make it one point value for just making a QSO - Maybe 500 bonus points.  I would like both these stations to be operated from just one county. Maybe as a Multi-Op.
>> 	• Also note rover operations will be allowed again.
>> I'm also asking everyone to please read the rules. The SECC and SEDXC aren't eligible for the club competition but I still get many logs that list both of these clubs. Also make sure the Cabrillo file that you submit is correct. N1MM Logger Plus is pretty reliable in generating it correctly but others aren't. I'm requesting feedback before I make these changes. Please send me your comments.
>> Jeff KU8E
>> GQP Contest Director
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> Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at arrl.net
> Web: http://boringhamradiopart.blogspot.com
> Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
>              -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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