[SECC] 2021 Georgia QSO Party

Jeff Clarke ku8e at ku8e.com
Fri Jan 8 16:29:58 EST 2021


Thanks for you're feedback. It's my experience that no one from outside 
GA does the GQP seriously as SSB Only entry . I would have to look back 
at previous years but I would guess that no one from out-of-state has 
ever worked even 1/3 of the GA counties on SSB. I think that most of the 
people that do mixed mode concentrate more on CW (and working the 
rovers) and just go to SSB to work GA stations when they run out of 
stations to work on CW. I know when I do the MI and OH QSO parties I 
usually CQ on SSB and listen on the sub-receiver on CW for the rovers or 
a new station on CW.

I think we do pretty good on rover activity but it would be nice to 
encourage more fixed stations to get on the air. What I've done in the 
past is to go the the "ARRL Search for a Club" webpage 
http://www.arrl.org/find-a-club and contact each club via their email or 
club president to encourage them to get on the air. You have to remember 
that many of these clubs aren't contest clubs and you need to promote 
GQP as an operating event or club activity and not a contest. It would 
be nice if I could get someone to do this GQP promotion for me since I 
have to do this every year along with all the other stuff I do for the GQP.


On 1/8/2021 04:02 PM, Mike - W5JR wrote:
> Jeff and others.
> Your report of the SSB vs CW activity specifically related to chasing 
> Rovers matches my experience when I’ve entered the Rover Mixed class. 
> Almost all of our SSB contacts were with a station that was also 
> chasing us on CW. They were following our spots for SSB activity and 
> ready to make a Q when we showed up.
> I was always astounded that Paul Newberry could make so many SSB 
> contacts and multipliers from just one county as he did. Having a good 
> fixed station plus some celebrity worked for him. I think a few other 
> good fixed stations have had similar SSB success. I know our quick on 
> and off of SSB per county doesn’t replicate that success.
> As you are intimately aware, activating 50 plus counties over the 
> weekend means a few will get under 15 minutes of operating time. Split 
> that across multiple bands and then multiple modes, the contacts have 
> to be crisp and punctual. No time to call CQ for 5 minutes without any 
> Q’s.
> I’m not expecting that we made any multiplier on SSB that wasn’t also 
> made on CW.
> In the end, it’s my opinion that moving to a mode independent 
> multiplier format (like other states you’ve listed) would decrease the 
> SSB participation from Mixed Rover entries. I’m guessing the Mixed 
> Rover class is a fairly small class by comparison to other classes. I 
> doubt that it has any impact to Mixed Fixed entries, as they have 20 
> hours to fill and thus presumably a lot more time to spend calling CQ 
> to snag more “random” Qs versus a Rover’s “chaser” Qs. Without a mode 
> dependent multiplier, I’d expect the Rover chaser SSB Qs to drop 
> noticeably. Maybe not the first year of the change, but over time. 
> What’s the incentive for them to keep it up?
> To a point Scott/KB4KBS mentions, multipliers by band, I believe this 
> would *increase* the in-state participation for most all, if not all, 
> classes, and good chance out-of-state would as well. I’ve read the 
> feedback from West Coast stations that are frustrated by stations not 
> hanging around the higher bands with propagation their way (and lower 
> rates), instead opting for lower bands fruitful for stations east of 
> the Rockies (and higher rates). It probably needs more in-depth review 
> and fleshing out to for it to make the GQP better. Plus a lot of 
> publicity. I know such a change would make Rovering even more intense, 
> possibly inspiring additional Rovering efforts.
> Keep throwing stuff at the wall for discussion. All of us on here are 
> focused on helping make GQP a huge success. Without hamfests, what 
> else are we going to do? 😀
> tnx
> Mike / W5JR
> Alpharetta GA
> On Jan 8, 2021, at 12:54, Jeff Clarke <ku8e at ku8e.com 
> <mailto:ku8e at ku8e.com>> wrote:
>> Mike,
>> That is true. Even thought the number of QSO'S is about the same when 
>> you compare CW vs SSB. As far as the data goes I'm going to compare 
>> 2019 which is a better indicator because even thought the number of 
>> logs in 2020 was higher. I.  If we go back to 2019 which was a normal 
>> GQP with rovers, the highest number of CW multipliers by and out of 
>> state entry was 118 by K7SV. I counted 5 stations outside Georgia 
>> that worked over 100 of the 159 counties on CW.  The highest number 
>> of SSB multipliers by an out of state entry was 40 counties by K3TW 
>> and K8RYU. K2SS had the highest number of CW QSO's at 222. N4XU/KP3 
>> had the highest number of SSB QSO's at 100. The highest number of SSB 
>> QSO's by a SSB Only entry was only 80 QSO's. It's pretty clear most 
>> of serious out of state activity is on CW.
>> In 2020 the highest number of CW multipliers by an out of state entry 
>> was 34 counties by K2SSS. The highest number of counties worked on 
>> SSB was 36 by OM2VL. So COVID-19 had a huge effect on the available 
>> GA counties available because we had no rovers.
>> The biggest QSO Parties out side of GQP are CA, FL, PA and TX. All 
>> except for FL allow multiplier to be counted once. FL allows one per 
>> mode. I've done a mixed mode rover from FL in FQP at least a couple 
>> times and it appear not many people were chasing multipliers on SSB.
>> Jeff
>> On 1/3/2021 09:06 PM, Mike - W5JR wrote:
>>> As a perineal mixed mode rover entry (N4N), a change to counting 
>>> multipliers only once versus by CW/SSB, certainly will make us 
>>> rethink the utility of mixed operation.
>>> I’m not sure what the following really means, I’m just thinking out 
>>> loud. My perception in GQP (and other State QPs?) is that the 
>>> overwhelming preponderance of participation is CW, not Phone. I’ve 
>>> never really understood the rationale behind CW being worth 2 
>>> points, and phone worth 1 point. Does this discourage Phone 
>>> participation? As a Rover, our experience has been it’s difficult to 
>>> get a group of Phone folks to follow us county to county, but the CW 
>>> folks line up and will follow us for every band change in every 
>>> county, both days. And the CW contacts count double the Phone 
>>> contacts, which for us in particular, are harder to come by.
>>> Whatever the rules are, that will probably define the participation.
>>> tnx
>>> Mike / W5JR
>>> N4N GPQ, Multi-2 Mixed Rover
>>> Alpharetta GA
>>> On Jan 3, 2021, at 18:41, Dave Edmonds <dave at pkministrywebs.com 
>>> <mailto:dave at pkministrywebs.com>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Jeff
>>>> Counting multipliers for bith modes will encourage mixed operators 
>>>> to make more contacts on both modes.
>>>> Why are you considering changing to the mults once and not per mode?
>>>> Ty
>>>> Dave WN4AFP
>>>> On Sun, Jan 3, 2021 at 6:27 PM Jeff Clarke <ku8e at ku8e.com 
>>>> <mailto:ku8e at ku8e.com>> wrote:
>>>>     I haven't heard any feedback. Either no one cares or they don't
>>>>     object to the rule changes I'm proposing. I will be making the
>>>>     changes to the webpage next week. I will also contact the
>>>>     developers on the logging programs (N1MM, N3FJP etc) and inform
>>>>     them of these changes.
>>>>     Jeff
>>>>     On 12/28/2020 02:09 PM, Jeff Clarke wrote:
>>>>>     The Georgia QSO Party will return to being a two day event in
>>>>>     2021.  The Georgia QSO Party is held annually the 2nd full
>>>>>     weekend of April. There are two operating periods: 1800Z (2:00
>>>>>     pm EDST) Saturday until 0359Z (11:59 pm EDST) and Sunday and
>>>>>     1400Z (10:00 am EDST) to 2359Z. (7:59 pm EDST). *For 2021 that
>>>>>     will be April 10 - April 11th*.  Note the URL for the webpage
>>>>>     has changed to https://gaqsoparty.com/ <https://gaqsoparty.com/>
>>>>>     I've been contemplating making some changes for 2021 :
>>>>>       * Counting multipliers only once and not per mode.
>>>>>       * Since COVID-19 will probably not be over by April continue
>>>>>         to allow Multi-Ops to operate from more than one location.
>>>>>         These locations need to be in the SAME COUNTY.  You also
>>>>>         need to still follow the rules for Multi-Single and
>>>>>         Multi-2 that are listed in the rules on the GQP webpage.
>>>>>       * Continue to have W4AN and W4NT as bonus stations. I will
>>>>>         probably just get rid of the 100 points per QSO and make
>>>>>         it one point value for just making a QSO - Maybe 500 bonus
>>>>>         points.  I would like both these stations to be operated
>>>>>         from just one county. Maybe as a Multi-Op.
>>>>>       * Also note rover operations will be allowed again.
>>>>>     I'm also asking everyone to please read the rules. The SECC
>>>>>     and SEDXC aren't eligible for the club competition but I still
>>>>>     get many logs that list both of these clubs. Also make sure
>>>>>     the Cabrillo file that you submit is correct. N1MM Logger Plus
>>>>>     is pretty reliable in generating it correctly but others
>>>>>     aren't. I'm requesting feedback before I make these changes.
>>>>>     Please send me your comments.
>>>>>     Jeff KU8E
>>>>>     GQP Contest Director
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>>>> -- 
>>>> Dave Edmonds
>>>> PK Ministry Webs
>>>> 864.288.6678
>>>> dave at pkministrywebs.com <mailto:dave at pkministrywebs.com>
>>>> www.pkministrywebs.com <http://www.pkministrywebs.com>
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