[SECC] 2021 Georgia QSO Party

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Fri Jan 8 17:14:40 EST 2021

I don't think that the FT4 or FT8 modes allow the exchange of county 
abbreviations.  If I am right about that, there can be no QSO party 
contacts on those modes.  There doesn't seem to be a great demand for 
RTTY contact credit at this time.  73, John, K4BAI.

On 1/8/2021 1:07 PM, Jeff Clarke wrote:
> The big problem with adding digital modes to GQP is it would maybe 
> take away some CW QSO's from people. The real serious out-of-state 
> mixed mode entries would probably use digital to boast their score. 
> Those inside GA might make some QSO's but not many. It would be as 
> interesting as watching paint dry on a wall. John is right in saying 
> there is little to no digital activity in any state QSO party. It's 
> not really worth adding it as a mode in GQP. It's my experience that 
> the only contests that have much digital activity are digital specific 
> contests. Why do you think why CQWW DX RTTY allows US-US contacts but 
> they don't on CQWW SSB or CQWW CW?
> Jeff
> On 1/8/2021 08:21 AM, John Laney wrote:
>> I would have no problem with having two modes, SSB and CW/RTTY.   
>> There simply is not enough RTTY or other digital activity in QSO 
>> parties to justify a separate category and separate awards.  If you 
>> will look at QSO party results across the years, the ones that have 
>> RTTY categories have very little participation in them.  Often there 
>> are no RTTY participants. One factor is that there is an RTTY world 
>> wide contest on many weekends and, when those are on, it is almost 
>> impossible for anyone to make QSOs in a state QSO party on RTTY.  73, 
>> John, K4BAI.
>> On 1/8/2021 12:49 AM, Steven Schwab - KT4Q wrote:
>>> I am a new member or maybe better stated as a renewed SECC member 
>>> from relocating out of Georgia in 2007.
>>> John (N4TOL) I feel makes a good point in understanding the positive 
>>> side of counting multipliers once. I have participated in the 
>>> Florida QSO Party for the last 12 years. It is one of the top QSO 
>>> Parties in terms of participation. I am not a seasoned CW contester 
>>> operator and always felt very uncompetitive in achieving the big 
>>> awards. I get it where it takes more time to conduct a CW contact vs 
>>> a phone contact but there always seemed to be significantly more 
>>> overall cw contacts versus phone in the FQP.
>>> If we were to overhaul the GaQP rules, I would love to see Digital 
>>> (RTTY/PSK31) mode added to give the non-CW operator a 2x point 
>>> option. One thing GaQP has over other QSO Parties including the FQP 
>>> is allowing 80m and 160m contacts. This allows neighboring states to 
>>> better enjoy in the contest.
>>> I live on the NC/GA border in NC. This year and years to come, I 
>>> have the option of working out of state from NC or activating Rabun, 
>>> Towns, Union, and maybe other counties. Likely, as the rules are 
>>> today, I will probably operate from NC where I could participate 
>>> competitively via phone and CW (S&P).
>>> All the Best,
>>> Steve Schwab
>>> KT4Q
>>> 352/988-0202 (cell)
>>> kt4q.nc at gmail.com
>>> Sent from my AT&T
>>> iPhone 11 Pro Max in Clay County, NC
>>>> On Jan 7, 2021, at 3:46 PM, John Tramontanis via SECC 
>>>> <secc at contesting.com> wrote:
>>>> So it appears the majority if not all of the feedback and reasoning 
>>>> is leaning to keep things the way they are.  That is, the counting 
>>>> multipliers for each mode, versus, the counting of multipliers only 
>>>> once and not per mode.  We have seen folks make points for keeping 
>>>> the status quo.  Perhaps, if someone could illustrate what the plus 
>>>> side would be of changing to only counting multipliers once would 
>>>> give, some may be persuaded to rethink their stance.
>>>> Although, I am not as long time a member as some, I still lean 
>>>> toward the counting of multipliers for each mode.  However, I would 
>>>> like to know what the reasons and benefits of changing to the 
>>>> other/new format would be?  Is a change in order?
>>>> 73 John N4TOL.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Jeff Clarke <ku8e at ku8e.com>
>>>> To: secc <secc at contesting.com>
>>>> Sent: Thu, Jan 7, 2021 2:45 pm
>>>> Subject: Re: [SECC] 2021 Georgia QSO Party
>>>> I'm looking for more feedback about the GQP rules. I feedback I've got
>>>> so far has been to keep it the way it is. Unfortunately the only
>>>> responses I've received were from long time SECC members that have
>>>> always been set in their ways and are reluctant to make changes to
>>>> anything. So their responses were predictable.
>>>> Here are some statistics from 2020:
>>>> CW Entries : 181
>>>> SSB Entries :  219
>>>> MIXED Entries: 244
>>>> Total CW QSOS : 31275   (Note: In a normal year when we have rovers 
>>>> you
>>>> could probably add 5000+ QSOS to this total)
>>>> Total SSB QSOS: 30983
>>>> I would like some more feedback before I make up my mind.
>>>> Jeff
>>>> On 1/6/2021 09:49 PM, Bill Coleman wrote:
>>>> > Counting multipliers once per mode only affects mixed mode 
>>>> scores. Those scores are judged in separate categories, so they 
>>>> aren’t comparable to CW or Phone-only scores.
>>>> >
>>>> > If multipliers only count once, then there’s little incentive to 
>>>> work the other mode. That might have a deleterious effect on Phone 
>>>> entries.
>>>> >
>>>> > Further, if you change the rules now, there’s not a lot of time 
>>>> for the contest software authors to change how their scoring works. 
>>>> A lot of folks might be scoring their entries the wrong way.
>>>> >
>>>> > My advise is to leave counting multipliers the way it is.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > I didn’t realize that W4AN and W4NT were special bonus stations. 
>>>> I don’t know how I missed that.
>>>> >
>>>> >> On Dec 28, 2020, at 2:09 PM, Jeff Clarke <ku8e at ku8e.com 
>>>> <mailto:ku8e at ku8e.com>> wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> The Georgia QSO Party will return to being a two day event in 
>>>> 2021.  The Georgia QSO Party is held annually the 2nd full weekend 
>>>> of April. There are two operating periods: 1800Z (2:00 pm EDST) 
>>>> Saturday until 0359Z (11:59 pm EDST) and Sunday and 1400Z (10:00 am 
>>>> EDST) to 2359Z. (7:59 pm EDST).  For 2021 that will be April 10 - 
>>>> April 11th.  Note the URL for the webpage has changed to 
>>>> https://gaqsoparty.com/ <https://gaqsoparty.com/>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> I've been contemplating making some changes for 2021 :
>>>> >>
>>>> >>     • Counting multipliers only once and not per mode.
>>>> >>     • Since COVID-19 will probably not be over by April continue 
>>>> to allow Multi-Ops to operate from more than one location. These 
>>>> locations need to be in the SAME COUNTY.  You also need to still 
>>>> follow the rules for Multi-Single and Multi-2 that are listed in 
>>>> the rules on the GQP webpage.
>>>> >>     • Continue to have W4AN and W4NT as bonus stations. I will 
>>>> probably just get rid of the 100 points per QSO and make it one 
>>>> point value for just making a QSO - Maybe 500 bonus points.  I 
>>>> would like both these stations to be operated from just one county. 
>>>> Maybe as a Multi-Op.
>>>> >>     • Also note rover operations will be allowed again.
>>>> >> I'm also asking everyone to please read the rules. The SECC and 
>>>> SEDXC aren't eligible for the club competition but I still get many 
>>>> logs that list both of these clubs. Also make sure the Cabrillo 
>>>> file that you submit is correct. N1MM Logger Plus is pretty 
>>>> reliable in generating it correctly but others aren't. I'm 
>>>> requesting feedback before I make these changes. Please send me 
>>>> your comments.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Jeff KU8E
>>>> >>
>>>> >> GQP Contest Director
>>>> >>
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>>>> > Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at arrl.net 
>>>> <mailto:aa4lr at arrl.net>
>>>> > Web: http://boringhamradiopart.blogspot.com 
>>>> <http://boringhamradiopart.blogspot.com/>
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>>>> >              -- Wilbur Wright, 1901
>>>> >
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