[SECC] Report on K1TO from Dan himself

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Fri Jan 8 18:29:11 EST 2021

To the FCG:

Several have commented on the K1TO status after the August 3rd fall in 
middle GA.  “Highlights” include fractured femur in multiple places and 
TBI Traumatic Brain Injury.  Wore normal tower belt and hard hat and was 
attached fine but the tower itself had zero concrete in the base. This 
is an open investigation so I can’t say too much.

Walking - not real close even as we pass the 5-month mark, despite 
persistent tries from various Physical Therapists. Some limited progress.

Seeing - mono vision thanks to relocated R eye - zero progress but at 
least visual acuity is normal.

R hand - same despite increased tries from Occupational Therapists. 
Maybe 65-85% usable but all email and cell phone usage done slower w L 
hand only and eating also essentially L handed.  R hand trembles 
uncontrollably at times.

Memory - some improvement although mild Aphasia is real.

Tnx to one club member for shuttling me (no walk in the park) and 
another for lending his huge support by moving my car to Myakka City.  
Although the sleeping and eating were finally fine, the therapy went 
close to zero and I'm on the outpatient FL Blue network where it has 
ramped up again.

Meanwhile, the folks in GA eliminated the blood thinner and my leg 
required an immediate surgery to remove the arterial (not deep vein) 

Missed both modes of CQWW and ARRL 10 for the first time in nearly 50 

Finally figured out FQP so 2020 with its 70% increase (!) is being 

Wife has been terrific after not seeing each other in August.  2020 was 
quite the year.  Thanks to all for your support.


P.S. Go ahead and fwd this text to the reflector(s) of your choice.
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