[SECC] NAQP Team Registration

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Fri Jan 8 21:06:08 EST 2021

Here are the team registrations for tomorrow's NAQP.  If I get another 
volunteer, I will re-register SECC#3 with five members. Thanks to Davy, 
K4HR, we now have three full teams.  Thanks for all your interest.  
Please post your score to the 3830score reflector when the contest is 
over.  You can elect to show your team on your 3830 summary from a pull 
down menu.  Please do so.  You can also show your team number in the 
header of your Cabrillo summary sheet (just add "TEAM-SECC#1" for 
example).  But you do not need to do so. They will take the teams from 
the pre-registrations.  You can show your contest club in the header of 
the Cabrillo file.  For SECC, use South East Contest Club.  Or you can 
show GCG or whatever other club.  This means nothing for this contest, 
since there is no club aggregate score competition.  So, put a club 
there or leave it blank, as you prefer.

I'll send a message next suggesting some tactical considerations. 73, John.

Thanks for registering your NAQP CW team.

Team Name: SECC#1

Team Members:

Registration recorded at: 2021-01-09 01:23:47Z

Your team registration info has been saved to the NCJ team database. If you wish to update your team membership, please use the team registration form to resubmit your team members. Please be sure to use exactly the same team name, unless you are purposely wanting to change the name.

You can easily update your team registration by clicking on the following link:


73 de Chris Hurlbut, KL9A (cwnaqpmgr at ncjweb.com)

Thanks for registering your NAQP CW team.

Team Name: SECC#2

Team Members:

Registration recorded at: 2021-01-09 01:31:32Z

Your team registration info has been saved to the NCJ team database. If you wish to update your team membership, please use the team registration form to resubmit your team members. Please be sure to use exactly the same team name, unless you are purposely wanting to change the name.

You can easily update your team registration by clicking on the following link:


73 de Chris Hurlbut, KL9A (cwnaqpmgr at ncjweb.com)

Thanks for registering your NAQP CW team.

Team Name: SECC#3

Team Members:

Registration recorded at: 2021-01-09 02:02:34Z

Your team registration info has been saved to the NCJ team database. If you wish to update your team membership, please use the team registration form to resubmit your team members. Please be sure to use exactly the same team name, unless you are purposely wanting to change the name.

You can easily update your team registration by clicking on the following link:


73 de Chris Hurlbut, KL9A (cwnaqpmgr at ncjweb.com)

Thanks for registering your NAQP CW team.

Team Name: SECC#2

Team Members:

Registration recorded at: 2021-01-09 01:31:32Z

Your team registration info has been saved to the NCJ team database. If you wish to update your team membership, please use the team registration form to resubmit your team members. Please be sure to use exactly the same team name, unless you are purposely wanting to change the name.

You can easily update your team registration by clicking on the following link:


73 de Chris Hurlbut, KL9A (cwnaqpmgr at ncjweb.com)

Thanks for registering your NAQP CW team.

Team Name: SECC#2

Team Members:

Registration recorded at: 2021-01-09 01:31:32Z

Your team registration info has been saved to the NCJ team database. If you wish to update your team membership, please use the team registration form to resubmit your team members. Please be sure to use exactly the same team name, unless you are purposely wanting to change the name.

You can easily update your team registration by clicking on the following link:


73 de Chris Hurlbut, KL9A (cwnaqpmgr at ncjweb.com)


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